Any readers of this blog will know that I have been working on a set of WWII skirmish rueles for over two years. I ran another game this weekend to test out the rules. I had intended to test out a new system for morale, but after just a few turns it was clear that the new system was no better than the old one, and the players didn’t like to have to do math (two additions and a subtraction), so I went back to the original system.
I had been toying with changing one aspect of the rules, and after Saturday’s game, I decide to pull the trigger on the change. I have been keeping up with counting grenades and rifle grenades for units in the game. One of the results when shooting is “out of ammunition.” I am going to change this so that when an “out of ammunition” result is drawn on the cards that:
- For small arms, the weapon is out of ammunition, jammed, or something. This can be reloaded, “cleared,” or whatever with one action in a subsequent turn.
- For anti-tank guns or tank guns, the weapon is out of ammunition, jammed, or something. This can be reloaded, “cleared,” or whatever with one action in a subsequent turn.
- For shoulder-fired anti-tank weapons, hand grenades, rifle grenades, flame throwers, etc. the squad has run out of that munition or weapon. This cannot be corrected during a game. The squad has no more hand grenades, for instance.
- For single-shot weapons, like panzerfausts, the round was a dud or misfired. Since this is a one-shot weapon, it cannot be fired again during the game.
That required a change to the unit record sheet.

Now the game master just puts a check in the “yes” box if the squad begins the game with that type of weapon and checks the “no” box otherwise.