For many months, Sally 4th has been selling sets of cards for many of the platoons whose orders of battle are posted for free on the Combat Patrol(TM) rules Web site (http://www.bucksurdu.com/Buck_Surdu/Combat_Patrol.html). These include U.S. Armored Infantry and German Panzergrenadiers. These are professionally printed cards with all the information already filled out and ready to play. While not strictly necessary, I find them extremely helpful in setting up scenarios. Deal out the cards, point the players at the figures, and start playing.
With help from Zeb Cook and Don Hogge, I have been working with Chris Abbey at Sally 4th to create sets of vehicle cards for all the vehicles listed in the rulebook. (The rulebook does not include every vehicle and variant, but most of the common ones.) The first five sets go to the printer in the next couple of days. These include a German set, a US set, a British set, a Japanese set, and a Russian set. From the center card in the above image, you can see all the sets planned. The first five will be available soon from Sally 4th.
You can get some for FREE!! In addition, if you post a battle report to an on-line forum, such as The Miniatures Page, The Wargames Website, or Lead Adventure Forum, or if you publish a battle report in magazines like Wargames, Soldiers, and Strategy, Miniature Wargames, or Wargames Illustrated, we will send you five cards from one of these sets for free. You just need to send us the URL to your battle report and your mailing address. Battle reports should be approximately 500 words and include at least two pictures.