Foldable Terrain

I found foldable terrain pictured recently on The Wargames Website that are available from Badger Games LLC in the US.  I have not been a fan of 4Ground in the past, because I don’t like the exposed tabs, and they don’t seem to sell touch-up paint to cover the tabs in matching colors.  The concept of foldable terrain intrigued me.  Badger has a subset of the building kits.  The full listing can be found here.

I purchased one of the brig buildings just to see how easy they were to assemble and how they looked.  In general, I am very pleased the the results; although, there was definitely a learning process for the first floor I assembled.  There are no tutorial videos that I could find, so it was a bit of trial and error.  Hint:  you never put any glue on any white paint in these repainted buildings.

Here is a picture of the final Americana shop with the optional third floor.

Note the typical exposed tabs of 4Ground buildings. I will try to match the gray and cover the tabs and also paint the concrete sections between the stories to make them gray instead of laser-cut MDF brown.
The floors come apart and have their own floors.
To fold a floor, you start by lifting the floor sections, which are hinged.
Then the walls fold together on hinges.

I am very interested in the mediaeval ones.  I have reached out to see if I can order them from Badger or if I need to order them from England.

Does anyone know how to find paint that matches the 4Ground colors?

Recently Completed Fantasy Figures

When I began work on Wars of Orcs and Dwarves, the adaptation or Wars of Ozz for massed-battle fantasy games,  I realized that I had no fantasy figures.  Oh, I had a handful of figures from high school that we used in role-playing games, but nothing like the number of figures needed for massed-battle games.  So, I started painting fantasy figures.  My armies are mostly hobbits (from a variety of manufacturers, including Mirlaton, Assault Group, and Wargames Atlantic) and orcs (Old Glory, 3D printed figures, Dragon Bait, and Minifigs).

I have enough hobbits to create three player’s worth (three brigades), including cavalry and artillery.  When I completed the orc infantry, I realized that I didn’t have cavalry or artillery for them.  I reached out to Ironwind to see if I could get some Death Jaws, which are generally out of production.  Ironwind has many of the old molds, and if you reach out to them, they can often make figures for you.   (Unfortunately, they don’t have the molds for Roomans.

So below are pictures of Death Jaws and another similar type of cavalry, Fast Claws, that I recently painted.  Note that the majority of my orcs are in Original D&D yellow instead of GW green.  Enjoy.

A unit of five Death Jaw lancers. Don’t make fun of the pink mounts because they will eat your face. I added these leftover Victorix Viking shields
A slightly different view of the lancers.
A five-based unit of Death Jaws with swords.
Fast Claw cavalry with swords.
I sprayed the mounts with a flecked Testors paint I got in the model section at Hobby Lobby. I think the effect is good.
Another, closer view of the Fast Claws.

I hope to get these on the table soon.

I have ordered some interesting and eclectic orc artillery units that should arrive shortly to complete my orc force.  I also ordered some old-school Ral Partha Legacy goblins like the ones I had back in high school to provide allies for the orcs.