No Wargaming this Thanksgiving

My son was home this weekend from school, and we filled the weekend with holiday activities.  These included running in the Archbishop Spalding annual “turkey trot” fund raiser.  This year all four of us walked or ran the course.  My knees protested the last mile, but I completed the run.

The weather was perfect.  Not too cold and not too hot.

We found a gingerbread village kit at Michael’s, which Sam assembled and decorated while Tom was busy with one of his friends.  On Black Friday we decorated the house for Christmas, including setting up our Christmas tree.  For the past ten years or so, we have been decorating on Black Friday.  I think it is too early, because it is no longer novel or special when Christmas rolls around, but we did the same this year, because we wanted Tom to participate.

By the way, I set up a Christmas tree, not a holiday tree.

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