Stuff I Did This Weekend

Five figures from Pulp Figures’ Dangerous Dames Kickstarter.

This weekend I ran a social-distancing Wars of Ozz game to celebrate the launch of our Kickstarter. That chewed up most of Saturday between setup, executing the game, and then cleaning up. Saturday afternoon I worked off some items the honey-do list. I did have time to get some painting done, however.

Undead ducks from Star Hat Miniatures.
Two duck wizards from Star Hat Miniatures.

Some months ago, I bought some Flintstone happy meal toys in flea market form Chris Palmer. My original intent was to use them to make a miniature golf course for my town of Granville I use in my pulp games. I saw a post on the Internet of someone who had repainted these buildings to replace the ice cream colors to stone colors. Since the Winkies live in caves in the Wars of Ozz rules, I decided to repaint them to be a village in Wars of Ozz games.

Two of the five buildings. I didn’t quite cover up the bowling ball and bowling pin on the building on the left. I might still do more to find those later.
Two more buildings. I really like the one on the right.
I plan to make some kind of Winkie totem to put something in the obvious empty spot.

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