Traveling the Rhine (continued)

Our last day in Lucern we checked out of our hotel and then walked round the old town (altstaedt) to do some shopping. By 1500 we boarded busses for the 90-minute drive to Basel, where we boarded out boat, the Viking Sigyn, unpacked, received the introductory briefing by Andrew our program director, and had dinner.

A view of downtown Lucern.
A view of the shopping area in the old town.
The lion statue carved into rock to honor the Swiss soldiers who served the French during the Thirty Years War.
At one point we stopped to get a small bag of roasted chestnuts. The weather was cold, and the nuts were welcome.
One of the many churches in downtown Lucern.
Candy and Nicole with their loot.
We had a nice lunch in a restaurant that specialized in local Swiss beers.
A humorous store window.
Boarding our home for the next week.
Our state room.

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