WWII Women from Bad Squiddo

I bought into the Bad Squiddo Women of WWII Kickstarter. The figures arrived a few weeks ago, and I immediately filed, based, and primed them. Last weekend I started with the broad dry brushing. Over the week, I finished them up, and tonight I added some foliage to the bases. I really like these figures, and they will make nice additions to my Sealion games.

A unit of armed women ready to defend the town of Little Basely by the Sea.
Sending up a weather balloon.
Military dispatch riders.
Handing over the orders.
Operating a searchlight so the ack ack can shoot down the Hun.
Performing maintenance on machine-guns for aircraft.
Enjoying a short respite.

I also painted five figures from the Pulp Figures Dangerous Dames Kickstarter. This set was the oriental women.

“I’m not bad. I’m just drawn that way.” This was a small toy from Disney World that is in the right scale for gaming.

Now, I will work on some additional Women’s Land Army “Land Girls” the remainder of the week and weekend. Stay tuned…