As I mentioned, I spent the bulk of the weekend scanning 3000 slides and turning them into digital images to make them easier to watch, edit, sort, etc. This is the setup I used to do that.
It was really fun to look at old picture I hadn’t seen in years. Here is an example of one. The quality of the original was poor, so the scan is also poor.
My wife’s role was to clean the slides while I scanned and uploaded them to my computer. Before she work up each morning, I had a little time to do some painting. I posted pictures of some of my results earlier. After work today, before doing a final edit on the Wars of Ozz(TM) rules to get it ready for the upcoming Kickstarter. I also had time to flock and dull coat these Cossack figures.
A few conventions ago, the HMGS folks gave out this free figure of Marshall Ney firing the last shot at the end of the long retreat from Moscow. All the HAWKs gave me their figures. This weekend I painted four of seven for my retreat from Moscow skirmish game. I painted them in different color schemes. I figure when they are mixed with all the other figures in that project they won’t be so obviously the same figure. And may one will be Ney.
I decided to flock them with my standard earth blend instead of snow. I figure these will work okay on a snow board, but if I covered the bases with snow they wouldn’t look right on a non-snow board.