Barrage 2014 was another major success. We had a record or near-record number of attendees and 16 tables full of game that ran from 0900 until after 2100. Again Age of Glory and On Military Matters came and set up dealer tables. We had to set up additional flea market tables on they fly to handle the demand. The Flames of War tournament had 18 competitors, 17 of whom were pre-registered. Once again we had a successful snack bar that provided hot dogs, drinks, pizza, and other food and snacks throughout the day at a reasonable cost. For additional information about Barrage, you can check out The breadth of events was quite good, with games spanning the ancient period through modern Afghanistan. Below are some pictures from the event.
Several of the HAWKs enjoyed this interesting soccer game.

As usual, we have a dedicate table established for games targeted at younger gamers. Although the number of younger gamers was lower than we would have liked, the kids who participated all had a great time.

My WWII skirmish was a bit of a surprise. I planned the game for 6 players, and I wasn’t sure if the game would fill with an 1800 start time. Not only did the game fill, but I had to add troops at the last minute to make room for 10 players. I think the games as quite successful. People keep asking me when the rules will be available for purchase. I have been developing this for myself, and having just finished the three-year slog to get Bear Yourselves Valiantly ready for publication, I’m not sure I’m ready for another rules publishing project. WWII skirmish is a crowded field, with Force on Force and Bolt Action being the big players with hard cover books and a lot of marketing oomph. Too Fat Lardies have the UK market sewn up. I’m just not ready to try to suffer the slings an arrows of biased reviews and TMP sock puppets right now.