I am interested in the Philippines in the early part of WWII. I commissioned Steve Barber to sculpt some figures for the period to supplement the between-the-wars figures from Pulp Figures. I have also recently ordered the Philippine scouts from Brigade Games. Now I am in search of historical rather than “typical” scenarios. To that end, I found a bunch of good books that have arrived. Like when I became interested in the Mexican-American War, I will binge read bout this period. I hope to find enough scenarios to make a good scenario supplement for Combat Patrol(R). I am sure there are more, but here are the ones in my reading queue. I am hoping they provide a source of scenarios for Bataan before the surrender as well as the guerrilla war. I didn’t realize there were so many guerrilla commanders in the Philippines or how many of them went on to be founding member of US Army Special Forces.